John DemerittAug 27Credit & Capital Stress Testing: Three Reasons Why Now Is the TimeIt is more important now than ever before to stress test before the next crisis hits and options for remediation become even more limited.
John DemerittApr 8Debunking 5 Credit & Capital Stress Testing MythsWhen it comes to why they’re not performing credit/capital stress testing, institutions generally share five common objections.
Jeff ReynoldsMay 4, 2023Matlock Looks at SVB and ALCOA lot has been made of the loss position in SVB’s bond portfolio. Per the year-end call report, losses in Held to Maturity...
John DemerittNov 10, 2022Asset Quality, Earnings, and Capital, Oh My!How will the recession impact your institution? Particularly in these volatile economic times, stress testing can help drive an answer.
John DemerittAug 8, 2022Bracing for the "Ripple Effect"Critical Risk Management Action Items for Asset Quality, Earnings, & Capital. In recent weeks, regulators have signaled concern at levels...
John DemerittMay 10, 2022Inflation: Three Outcomes that Could Test Capital ResiliencyLeverage and net worth ratios have declined, on average, by over 1% since the onset of the pandemic, driven by inflated balance sheets...