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Balance Sheet & Model Risk Management

June 5-6, 2023  |  Boston, MA

39th Annual

Conference is live.

Early registration discount until April 7

296 State Street

Boston, MA 02109

Why should you attend?

Darling Consulting Group’s information-packed, two-day conference offers timely insight into managing your institution’s entire balance sheet in today’s challenging environment. A broad array of educational sessions and interactive forums are designed to generate comprehensive and lively discussion on deposit, funding, lending, and investment strategies as well as liquidity and interest rate risk management… plus CECL, model risk management, and validation strategy.


CEOs, Presidents, CFOs, Directors, CROs, treasurers, risk managers, model development and model risk practitioners, auditors, senior management, and analysts will benefit from this popular event. Sessions range from industry fundamentals to advanced, and attendees are eligible for up to 12 CPE credits. No prerequisite and/or advance preparation is required.


Hear from industry experts on navigating the economic environment and forward thinking.

Practical Solutions

Attend engaging educational sessions on today's hottest trends and topics. 

Networking with Peers

Share experiences and network with your peers.

​Darling Consulting Group, Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

DCG Webinars: DCG is registered with NASBA as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.

Continuing Professional Education Information

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Learn Practical Solutions

Topics include:

  • Balance sheet management strategies

  • Leveraging data analytics

  • Model risk management & validation

  • CECL

  • Core ALM education

Chris Low

Chief Economist
FTN Financial

Dr. Michelle Rozen

The Change Doctor

Keynote Speaker


2023's stellar lineup includes celebrated thought leaders from across the financial services industry and beyond. Attendees will also hear the latest from inside DCG's team of balance sheet management advisory consultants, quantitative risk and analysis consultants, product experts, model risk management leaders, and more.

Join DCG's signature education event for learning and sharing with community bank and credit union peers.

When we gather for DCG's 39th annual conference, Fed Funds is expected to be at its highest level in over 15 years, yield curve inversion will be problematic, and formidable economic conditions will likely prevail. Balance sheet risk measurement and management will be top of mind: interest rate, liquidity, credit, and capital risks.


At the core of this year's event will be how to navigate successfully in 2023 by looking through different lenses and changing the conversation, especially at ALCO. 


We look forward to welcoming you in person in Boston, and to helping you chart a course through the very real – and addressable – challenges that 2023 is sure to bring.

DCG President & CEO Matt Pieniazek  
Video: 2 minutes

Hear from Matt about what's in store for attendees at DCG's 2023 Balance Sheet & Model Risk Management Conference.

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