DCG Webinars
DCG Speaking Events
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If you are looking for speakers for an upcoming conference or seminar, please contact us and select "Request a Speaker."
As thought leaders in the industry, DCG helps bank and credit union professionals navigate the challenges of the current economic environment and address concerns and issues at the forefront of executives’ minds. Our passionate presenters speak on a wide range of Asset Liability Management and Model Risk Management topics, including deposits, liquidity, loans, CECL, credit, capital planning, model validation, and much more. Our programs can be customized to fit various formats (conference/webinar/workshop) and time requirements.
ONES Meeting
Mark Haberland
Join us for an upcoming event.
DCG principals, consultants, and other professionals are frequent speakers at local, regional, and national industry conferences and association meetings. Join a DCG speaking event for insight on bank and credit union trends, with a special focus on Asset Liability Management (ALM) and Model Risk Management (MRM).