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Data-Driven Solutions
Model Validation & MRM
Asset/Liability Management
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Validating prepayment assumptions while providing lenders a strategic advantage.

Loan prepayment analysis can unlock strategic insight for your ALCO and senior lenders. Loan portfolio prepayments and optionality significantly impact risk models and lending strategies – and defending these behavior patterns is critical when preparing for examinations. Now is the time to unlock strategic solutions for your ALCO Committee and senior lenders. With a full 360° perspective of a loan portfolio, institutions can defend and confirm the entire loan assumption process while providing senior lenders with an advanced prepayment analysis tool for day-to-day operations.

​“Having a good assumptions development process means you can rest assured that the output of a model is as accurate as possible. This allows more time to focus on strategic direction.”

John Demeritt

Managing Director

Prepayment Analysis

Explore prepayment analytics in an interactive, web-based tool. Management can analyze prepayment activity through all loan sectors with drill-down capabilities to get to the individual loan level.

Regulatory Best Practice

With hundreds of bank and credit union users and growing, your institution can benefit from thousands of exam cycles and superior reporting output.

Continuous Monitoring

Loan portfolios are not static, so why should assumptions be? Prepayments360° updates model assumptions on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Support & Guidance

DCG’s loan experts guide users from the starting line of data implementation to the finish line of producing easy-to-understand results. Clients benefit from the years of experience and industry knowledge as well as systems expertise they can tap into on demand.

How Loan Prepayments360° Helps Clients

About Loan Prepayments360°  

Prepayments360° is customizable for all financial institutions, and can be the centerpiece of an entire loan assumption development and confirmation process while also providing senior lenders with an advanced prepayment analysis tool for their day-to-day operations. Users can:
  • Segment data by branch, loan officer, credit score, etc. 
  • Track prepayment activity by coupon band and vintage
  • Use granular detail in day-to-day operations, such as identifying individual credits that may be at risk of refinancing with other institutions
  • Harness historical loan data to provide substantive insight into customer refinancing behavior and nature of activity (pay downs, curtailments, loan modifications)
  • Analyze new lending activity (new volume, pricing, term structure, repricing characteristics)

Learn how DCG's suite of 360° software solutions
can help power your institution with data.

Featured Insights

Loan Prepayments360°

Loan Prepayment Analysis

Harness Loan Data to Gain Insight into Customer Behavior

Insight from historical and new lending activity analysis for a full 360° loan portfolio perspective.

Harness loans data to gain insight into customer behavior with loan prepayment analysis and DCG's Prepayments360°.

Learn More About Loan Prepayments360°™™

An interactive, web-based tool that supports institution-specific prepayment assumptions while providing a strategic advantage for senior lenders.

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